Yesterday, I interviewed at the Seminary Choosen on My Behalf. I got a couple of nasty surprises.
I've been concerned about seminary finances from the beginning of this process (2004?), and I've expressed that concern to my rector. I've been told two things repeatedly:
1) Almost no one pays full tuition at this seminary. Worry about living expenses, but don't worry about tuition, most everyone gets very large grants. (This seminary happens to have more money than God, so this didn't seem outside the realm of possibility.)
2) In the first year, the seminary locates scholarships that you're eligible for, in the last two years, you find them on your own. Seemed odd, but what do I know?
The truth is actually:
1) If Mr. M's salary stays the same when we relocate, we will not be eligible for any grant money from the seminary whatsoever, and will need to pay $900/month.
2) Not only does the seminary
not locate scholarships for you, but the lateness of my postulancy interview means that I have missed all scholarship deadlines.
So now I'm looking seriously at where to go from here. I'm giving a lot of thought to spiritual direction instead of priesthood. I'm seriously considering withdrawing from the ordination process. I don't know whether or not that will be permanent, but I think it might be what has to happen now. I cannot get through this without genuine support from my rector-- the process isn't set up to function that way. It becomes lonely, overwhelming, and whatever the opposite of affirming is.
Mr. M has been saying for some time now that he can clearly hear my call to ministry, but that he cannot see God in the diocesan process
as I am experiencing it.I've been feeling like I'll be fine if I can just get through each next step, but I'm becoming very concerned about that. God should be glorified in all stages of ministry. That doesn't mean it's easy, but I think it does mean I shouldn't feel like I'm fighting all the time. I don't want to live with a "just get through it" mentality. I want to honor each part of ministry-- receiving, giving, growing, stretching.
I feel like my deep self has been silenced over and over by my rector. Many times I've tried to open up about joy I was finding in ministry, or fears I had of where it was going, only to have my perspective corrected and adjusted. I cannot genuinely serve God this way, and I simply am unable to continue in the process without support.
I'm disappointed when I think about withdrawing from the process towards ordination, but I also think it's the right thing to do. I don't know where we'll go from here, but I need the freedom to serve God, as I understand God, every day, and I don't feel like I have that right now.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.