Sermon for January 26, 2025
3 hours ago
is always open.
"So keep fightin' for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't you forget to have fun doin' it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through kickin' ass and celebratin' the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was."
-Saint Molly Ivins
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ReplyDeleteAnd thank you, very much.
Prayers, indeed, for light and hope and wholeness, for comfort and strength and assurance and rest, and for so much more.
ReplyDeleteMrs. M, you all have my prayers.
ReplyDeleteThere is another RevGal not too far away from you; I'll try to put her in touch with you.
Will pray... let us know how things are going for all of you.