
Mondays: Simul Justus et Peccator

I'm energized and excited by learning about people who wring out every drop of their gifts to do good. Whether it's my seminary friend or a long-ago President, the courage and action of others sends motivation surging through me. I've been asking people lately who they're inspired by, and almost every time I do, I hear a robust chorus of, "Don't compare yourself to others!"

Friends, my ego can handle it. 

In the midst of a biography binge, I've been thinking about Martin Luther's perspective that we are, at the same time, both Saint and Sinner. What could free us more than the certainty that all who have concentrated their gifts on their endeavors were also bunglers, in one way or another?

In that spirit, I'll be sharing my favorite sinners and my most exasperating saints with you this year. May you be as delighted by their messy humanity as I am. 


Action-Reflection Friday

In CPE, we used the action-reflection model of learning: do something, process how it went, adjust, and try again.

It occurred to me while I was making my 2016 goals that the same model might be helpful in parenting.  (I seriously considered emailing the other playgroup moms and asking if they'd want to start a peer supervision group, too, but... no.)

So here I am, all set to act and reflect.  I figure I'll pick one thing that worked over the course of the week, and one thing that didn't.  A weekly Ignatian review-- places I saw light and love, and places I struggled.

That's the weekly plan.  We'll see how it goes.